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About Us

Kidney Warriors Foundation (KWF)

Kidney Warriors Foundation (KWF) was the vision of an individual, who had to face many challenges and recognized the need for a unified voice that would address every apprehension faced by a kidney patient. She invited people from 12 States to give it an All India status. KWF was founded on 20 Dec 2017, by these strong-willed family members and patients, who wanted to bring a change, having lived with this disease or having seen CKD from close quarters. KWF is a community that supports each other and raises a unified voice, to get the recognition it warrants.

KWF is currently one of the largest independent India-based networks of kidney patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and social workers who have voluntarily signed up to make a difference in the lives of people affected by kidney disease. It continues to grow, as they collaborate with other NGOs, working with similar objectives.

What Makes Us Different?

Personal Experience


Most of us are either living with this disease or are concerned about someone facing this situation. There is a lot of despair, confusion, and misinformation regarding causes, medical treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle management. Acceptance of the disease and the changes that it brings to one’s life is extremely important. Many have been through the various stages of detection, dialysis, transplant, and rejection.

We understand the challenges that patients and their families are faced with, and hence, apply the wisdom of each person’s experience to provide invaluable medical guidance and emotional support. We truly care and are passionate about making a difference to fellow kidney patients’ lives. It’s the power of changing people’s despair to hope through shared experiences of success and failure that makes our work so satisfying.

Group Diversity


Diversity is the biggest advantage of KWF. We have members of all age groups who are multilingual, from different parts of the country, and most importantly, with varying medical histories: A teenager who underwent a kidney transplant; a mother taking care of her child on dialysis; people who have lived on dialysis or transplant for over 15 years; and also patients who have been able to postpone dialysis for a number of years.

Our status as a kidney patient representative body makes us stand apart. All our work revolves around patient needs. Every initiative has been tailored, to fulfill specifically identified requirements of patients. We have managed to link patients in 14 Indian states at the state capital city level, which also connects people in surrounding areas. In a few years’ time, we will be better connected with patients in smaller towns and districts through a strong and dedicated network of volunteers.

Pan India Network


Members can make use of our network anywhere in India, as we have a volunteer group in nearly every state. Depending on their location, health condition, and requirements, members are provided guidance on proper choice of Treatment, Doctors, and Hospitals. KWF also helps plan dietary recommendations to suit the varied cuisine preferences of patients in different regions with the help of our Renal Dieticians.


Our Mission

As an independent voice, our main mission is to advocate for policies that improve access to health care and that strengthen the quality of care for patients with kidney disease.

How do we do this?

  • Build a strong Advocacy network with our members, who will be KWF Ambassadors in bringing about change in Government policies , restrictions , rules , regulations and every unresolved issue relating to CK
  • Spread greater awareness of kidney disease through workshops, seminars, and organized activities
  • Help patients to accept the disease, understand why a balanced renal diet with limited portions is important, and educate patients on how to monitor their health
  • Counsel patients to seek either dialysis or a transplant based on their individual health condition, age, and associated factors
  • Keep track of the latest research and developments in the field of CKD and related areas
  • Motivate with inspiring patients’ stories
  • Create patient support networks and groups across the country, especially in small towns and rural areas
  • Reach out to concerned authorities, and push for better policies related to CKD
  • Organize patient engagement activities across the country
  • Encourage patients to talk about the disease. This will raise awareness of the financial, sociological, and psychological needs of the Kidney Patient Community.



Advocacy is the platform for our voices to be heard. It is through advocacy that the central & state governments are informed of the problems faced by CKD patients. This accelerates modification in policies to simplify rules and regulations for CKD patients facing either Dialysis or Transplant. KWF plans to work as the facilitator for Government & private sectors to enter into PPP (Public Private Partnership) projects. Our singular voice is heard by the administration pushing the departments in creating standardized treatments & establishing protocols for the best medical system. We can also persuade agencies for low-cost medication for patients.


Over the years, Kidney disease patients have found it very difficult for their voices to be heard by the various sectors of the administration. The central and state governments have made policies without consultation with patients and little understanding of their needs. As an organization with a strong membership count, we can make a difference. Every concern of a CKD patient will be heard , their dynamic Voices shall be heard , updating the government in understanding the problems and concerns of patients. Our collective voice will accelerate the process of modifying policies, including the simplifying of rules and regulations. Only when our voices are heard, will we begin to make a difference.



Patients from all income levels, especially, lower and middle-income groups, face financial constraints in managing their treatment costs. We offer some monetary relief for them to tide over the initial hesitancy in starting treatment. This enables them to overcome their fear and get into a survival mode. Our focus is to encourage people to make their own choice of medical treatment, while we stand by to offer any assurance needed by them.



Health Insurance has been one of the major concerns for every kidney patient and donor. Every insurance company in India isolates individuals who are remotely connected with CKD. KWF is in the process of making some major breakthroughs by embarking on insurance schemes that are long awaited by Indian kidney patients. These will be welcomed by a large section of individuals who can avail themselves of the schemes.



Another significant aspect that will receive our urgent attention is exploring avenues for employment, in order to instill a feeling of security among patients and their families. CKD patients are judged and deprived of opportunities due to lack of understanding and acceptance of the disease by employers. KWF hopes to change this mindset, and provide more favourable options of employment to them.